The 2024 Official ATBA-UK Championships are returning as Switch Back to Bugs Boarding in Glos on 2nd-4th August and it is going to be a fun packed weekend of Mountainboarding. Keep an eye on the Switch Back Instagram to stay up with the event latest info. Check out the video below the poster to see the live stream from last year’s pro boarder x uk champs.
Title Sponsored this year by Trampa Boards and supported by MBS, Rekd Protection and of course ourselves ATBShop! There are loads of prizes for the Pro’s and the Juniors and there are events for all ages.
Normally ATBShop would be along with a trade stand but this year due to other commitments we aren’t able to attend with a stand but we will be popping along to Bugs Boarding over the weekend to see some of the action!
There is camping, available at Bugs Boarding and there is bound to be a party on the Saturday Night!