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Mountainboards - MBS - Special Offers

Mountainboarding is an awesome outdoor sport and very easy to get started with. There are loads of riding locations all over the UK from specific mountainboard centres to public hills and woodlands. We stock a range of dirt boards suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced riders who demand the most from their equipment.
MBS mountain boards continues to refine its products and support the growth of the industry. MBS riders continue to dominate competitions all over the world and our employees, riders and friends continue to help introduce the sport to new people year after year.
sale MBS - x Haero Dawid Rzaca Pro Mountainboard

MBS x Haero Dawid Rzaca Pro Mountainboard

So we built the complete pro board as used by Dawid using mbs parts and the awesome Haero Pro deck. This is a top level board for boardercross and freestyle.
£499.00 - £595.00
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sale MBS - Pro Warren III Mountainboard DW3 Snake

MBS Pro Warren III Mountainboard DW3 Snake

MBS Pro Warren III Mountainboard DW3 Snake. Brand new this board is fully Pro level adjustable to whatever style you want, great for freestyle or speed and all around setup.
£630.00 £590.00
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We carry spares and accessories for all of our boards so you will never have issues repairing your mountainboard. We supply boards from all major makes. If you want a kite landboard or a downhill board we should have the right board for you!